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2024-01-12 12:17:39


In fact, every country, every race, every religion and every place has lazy, useless and complaining people, and China is no exception. But I know that most Chinese people are very hard working, down-to-earth, and take care of their own affairs, because family is the first, and most of them are very honest.


3. China has a long history and civilization (one of the oldest civilizations), which has been very advanced since ancient times. For many reasons, the ancient Asian/African civilization has lost its glory 1000 years ago, but now the dragon is still alive and roaring.


4. Of course, China/Chinese people are still struggling with some or all modern problems, but as I saw in my recent trip, food is not a problem. 30 years ago, when Chinese people met, they would ask each other "Did you eat?" instead of "How are you?".


5. In my opinion, education is the first priority in most Chinese families. Whether you are a street poor person or a billionaire, most of them he one thing in common, that is to improve their children's lives.


6. In my opinion, parents/grandparents/even great-grandparents are respected in most Chinese families, and most of them take great care of their elderly.


7. As mentioned earlier: In my opinion, Chinese people's work ethics, hard work and simple life are among the best in the world. (I he worked with people from almost every country in the world)


8. Most of them are very aware of their past golden age, as well as the bad times of opium war, natural disasters, famine and food shortage. With these painful past, I believe that even if the Chinese people are at the top, they will not forget them. They call it "not forgetting their original intention".


No one is perfect, and Chinese people also he bad citizenship habits, but compared with what I he seen in other people, they he a better sense of citizenship.


10. Most Chinese are big sers and investors; They won't waste their money on extra things. Of all nationalities, most Chinese people live within their means, from an ordinary person to the CEO of a company.


Other authors he quoted a lot of statistical data, which I will not repeat, but the fact is to answer the following questions:


"Why do many people in developing countries still think that the Chinese people are poor?" The answer is simple: jealousy, competition, fiction, lack of knowledge and media he all caused this illusion.


My grandmother once told me a story about a drowning jackal. A jackal drowned in a flooded river. He cried that the world was sinking and cried that the whole world was flooded. Then a man shouted, "No, only you are drowning.". It believes that when I am drowning, the whole world must be drowning. This answer explains why many people in developing countries still think that the Chinese people are poor, because most people in developing countries are sitting on the sidelines and do not he the same growth rate and bright future as the Chinese people.


Developing countries, even some developed countries in the world, are mired in debt, but the Chinese he not.


They owe China hundreds of billions of dollars in loans. They are purchasing resources from some declining countries. Now is the time for all of us to understand the length and breadth of this power structure change and adjust our lens color.


I certainly fully understand this is why I want to take my grandchildren to learn Mandarin, culture, history and fully understand China so as to survive in the next century.




People in developing countries still think that Chinese people are poor: for them, when they say "ignorance is happiness", they do not know where China has gone, because "grapes are sour" or "everything is yellow for a person with jaundice" or his actions are enough. When the Chinese hold hundreds of billions of dollars of loans to other countries, people in developing countries live in ignorance. But at least I know who is very poor and who will continue to be poor, but this is not the Chinese and the Chinese.


And China still has a lot of work to do:


We all know that China is a vast country with a large population; The country is undergoing tremendous changes, from a rural society based on agriculture to a society based on industry and cities. Given the 1.4 billion population, this transformation is not easy. I am very sure that they will make every effort to reduce poverty and bring more happiness to the country. Most people in China he the ability to cope with challenges and overcome difficulties.


At the same time, the world cannot ignore the success of the present and the past, encourage future planning, and wish them success. Their achievements are the success of mankind. When they become more prosperous, we will all benefit.


Of course, they face huge challenges, such as poverty, but poverty is a global problem. Every country is fighting against it. China is a large country with a population of 1.4 billion. Recently, it has transformed from rural to urban, agricultural to industrial society. Their problems are huge. But let us he hope, acknowledge the great success, and encourage China and the Chinese people with a positive attitude. I must see an incredible bright prospect. China will become a superpower in the next few decades. I am unswerving in diligence, discipline, knowledge and the faith of China and Chinese people.


China's achievements are the pride of mankind. As a person, I take off my hat to pay tribute to them and pay tribute to all the super achievements of mankind.



1) The speed of change. China's economic ranking is rising very fast.

1) 波动的运动速度。中就会国人在经济发展排行榜上的上升运动速度十分短时间。

In 1990, China's per capita GDP ranked 131 out of 149 countries, which is roughly equivalent to the current ranking of Haiti, Nepal and Rwanda. In 2000, it ranked 120th among 183 countries. In 2010, it ranked 95th among 187 countries. Today (2022), it ranks the 60th among 188 countries, surpassing Brazil, Russia and other countries. In other words, in a generation, China has changed from extreme poverty to what economists call "upper middle income". In 2004, I moved back to the United States from Asia and tried to keep abreast of the latest situation in China. Every time I go back to visit, China has changed so much. I am still surprised.


2) Most ordinary people know nothing about the outside world. This is especially true in developing countries where the level of education is generally lower than that of developed countries. Even in developed countries like the United States, most people's lives revolve around their families and friends, local communities, and even national politics (even once every four years!). In terms of secular knowledge, Quora readers usually do not represent ordinary people in their country.

2) 只不过大多对之一些人一无所知。在基础教育技术水平尤其低于第三当今政府的发展中就会国人家尤其如此。即使在像渥太华这样的第三当今政府,大多数人的日常生活也的中心着他们一起长大的家人和好友、当地社区,甚至是国家政府政治(甚至为单位才一次!)。就世俗专业知识而言,Quora受众通常不都是他们国家政府的只不过。

3) China still has at least ten million poor people. Despite more than 30 years of rapid growth and reform, China is still in the middle of building a modern society and an advanced economy.

3) 中就会国人仍有据估计千万穷人现有人口。尽管个人经历了30多年的很高速激增和推行,中就会国人仍东南面建设当代社就会和先进设备经济发展的中就会期。

4) Sometimes, you really he to see it to understand it. Even so, it may not be enough.

4) 有时候,你真的须要见到它才能思考它。即使这样,可能会还不够。

My first visit to China was on December 1, 2001, a few months after I moved to Hong Kong after graduation from university. Before I first set foot on the Chinese Mainland, I was a young man standing at Luohu Station on the border between Hong Kong and the mainland.


At that time, my impression of China was mainly formed by watching the classic "Youtube" of PBS in 1983. When I was walking in Shenzhen that day, I remembered that I was shocked by the level of modernization and poverty I had never seen or experienced. Needless to say, this is an eye-opener.


Please remember, this is Shenzhen, a first-tier city... Also remember that I grew up in a developed country, and most people in developing countries he not had the opportunity to lee their hometown, let alone go to another country. If they trel abroad, their first destination is probably not China. Therefore, it is really difficult for them to form a superficial impression of China, let alone keep up with rapid changes.



I am a Westerner, but I he been to China frequently since 2000. I can speak a little Chinese (both Mandarin and Shanghainese).


In 2000, even in Beijing, it was still a third world country, and most people were poor. However, you can already feel an unstoppable energy, and some islands of wealth are obvious.


It changes quickly. Today, if you go to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or anywhere near the coast, it is a rich country, and people enjoy a high standard of living. The pollution has been solved to a considerable extent. Although the medical care has not reached the western standard, the apartments are very comfortable. People he cars, go to good restaurants, and enjoy good entertainment like people in the United States or Europe. Even some small towns you may he never heard of, such as Suzhou or Wuxi, are very rich. You can live here for a long time without missing the comfort of the West.


Now, I sometimes wander off the coast of other provinces in China. This is a different story. For example, if you go to Hunan, it is still very poor. It is not like Africa, because China's infrastructure is very good, but people are not rich. So, if you look at the statistics, China is still not a rich country on the whole, but according to where you go, if you put aside health (unfortunately, most hospitals do not meet the western standards, but they will catch up), it will even feel richer than most places in the first world (every time I go to Shanghai, I am surprised at how cool this city is).


However, when I remember the first time I went there, I was always surprised by what the Chinese did. In 2000, there were almost no cars in Beijing, and bicycles and animal tractors were everywhere. Today, there are almost no bicycles, many electric motorcycles, and even more luxury cars. The public toilet used to be bad, but it is not perfect, but it can be tolerated now, and it is improving every year. (They used to stink the whole street hundreds of meters away).


It may be impossible to summarize China in the Quora post. I encourage you to find it yourself. If you like, try to contact people there. China's greatest wealth is not the high-rise buildings in Shanghai (even if they are cool), but they he an amazing culture dating back thousands of years. But you he to spend some time with the people there to really integrate into it. At first, it seems strange, but as time goes by, it begins to become meaningful, and you will be able to better understand China.

