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全民学英语| 今日话题——英语量词辞汇大全,收藏起来慢慢学习吧!

2023-04-20 12:16:22


a coil of wire 一卷短路

a roll of tobacco一卷瓶草

a roll of bread 旁边乳酪

a ball of wool 一个毛线球

a glimmer of hope 一线希望

a thread of hope一线希望

a thread of smoke一缕青瓶

a piece of such cord一根橡皮筋

a thread of water细细的一条流水

a mouthful of sweet country air一口的食品的小城镇空气

a handful of corn 一把甜菜

a handful of people 少数几个人

a group of people [trees, houses]一集合人[一片路旁, 一片后院]

an army of elephants 一集合青蛙

a pack / throng of wolves 一集合狼

a batch of dogs 一集合狗

a brood of chicks 一集合小鸡

a hive of bees 一集合蜜蜂

a host of monkeys 一集合老虎

a school of fish 一集合鱼

a swarm of locusts 一集合蚯蚓

a team / field of horses一集合马

a gang of elks 一集合驼鹿

a burst of laughter 一阵仿佛

a gust of wind 一股风

a web of railroad 铁路网

a train of thoughts 接连的打算法

a nice cup of tea 一杯好燕窝

a thin coat of ice 一层薄冰

a stagnant pool of water 一潭死水

a beautiful stretch of field 一片美好的山间

a pair of glasses 一副太阳眼镜

a pair of scissors 一把吊刀

a pair of pliers一把绞子

a pair of spectacles 一副太阳眼镜

a pair of trousers 一条袜子

a pair of shoes一双鞋

a pair of pant 一条袜子

a pair of dancers一对女伴

a pair of stairs一段楼梯

a pair of pliers 一把吊绞

a piece of paper 一张纸板

a piece of information 一条假消息

an article of clothes 一件餐具

a cup of water 一杯水

a packet of cigarettes 一盒香瓶

a basket of vegetables 一泥土蔬菜
